Hydraulic oil pump VP-30-FA3 Taiwan ELITE vane pump VP-20 VP-40 15 12 FA3
Simple structure
high speed
low noise
Low calorific value
Strong performance
long life
Direction of rotation: clockwise(vewed from shaft end) as the standard, only the.Contrm the direction of rotation of theinstant starting motor to check.Hydraulic oit: 7.0Mpa, 4o ‘℃ viscosity 20-50cst (Iso vG32) of the hydraulic oil.
oli pressure:.vent pipe must be insented directly into the oil tank under the surtace, and the resuling back pressure pipng,please maintain below 0.3ketlcm.Working temperature: the temperature is 15-6o ‘℃continuous operation.
Axis with: pump and motor of the eccentric error is 0.05mm, the angle error is 1 ‘ .Oil pressure oil inlet pressure:.-0.3kgt/cm” to 0.3kgtlcm”.
Volume adjustment adjustment capacity,thefrst relaxaton adjusting nut, then rotate the adjustment bot, turn ight to reduce emissions, and increase lefthe
adjustment is completed, please tighten the nut.
Pressure adjustment turm eft (clockowise) pressure adjustment screw, so that the output pressure is reduced,tumn righ (clockwise) increased,adjust the end,
ptease tighten the nut.
Operation of the new machine: the new machine unning. should be repeated staring motor in a stess roe state, to the exckusion of the pump and suctlon
pipe in the air, to ensure the exclusion of air within the system, at no load conditions,continuous operation for 10 minutes.
VP15/VP20 small shaft 12.7
VP15/VP20 large shaft 15.87
VP15/VP20 spline 7 teeth
VP15/VP20 spline 9 teeth
VP30/VP40 spline 9 teeth
VP-15-15-FA3 double pump
VP-20-20-FA3 double pump
VP-30-30-FA3 double pump
VP-40-40-FA3 double pump
Seven-tooth spline sleeve
Nine-tooth spline sleeve
Please contact customer service for the motor matching the oil pump.

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