ZAC10 cycle controller Beijing XIMADEN original factory direct sales spot XIMADEN ZAC10-P I Kingmanton
ZAC10 cycle controller Ximaden
ZAC10-I 4-20mA
ZAC10-P P.2 seconds
ZAC10-V 0-10V
Introduction to use: SSR signal processing controller widely used in industrial electric heating systems. It can accept PWM or 4-20mA input and generate two types of periodic zero-crossing type (PWM duty cycle control) and cycle-wave zero-crossing type (CYC variable period). kind of output. It has hard manual operation and auxiliary power adjustment functions, advanced cycle zero-crossing output, because the load current is evenly distributed according to the sine wave, the randomness and superposition of the operation of multiple devices, the total power load circuit caused by It is balanced, it improves the adjustment accuracy and power utilization efficiency and avoids the need for meter needles to increase the capacity of power equipment, and the power saving effect is very obvious.
. Please pay attention to the instructions when purchasing! ! !
Two outputs: periodic and cycle zero-crossing, smooth adjustment, energy saving, load balancing
With manual and internal power limit, 40% mandatory power limit of PL
60 seconds power-on slow start, single-phase and three-phase universal, no phase sequence, DIN rail or screw installation
1. Main technical indicators:
Introduction to use: SSR signal processing controller is widely used in industrial electric heating systems. It can accept PWM or 4~20mA input and generate two types of periodic zero-crossing type (PWM duty cycle control) and periodic zero-crossing type (CYC variable period). output, directly drives SSR or (XIMADEN) SW03A thyristor power expander. It has manual operation and auxiliary power adjustment functions, and advanced cycle zero-crossing output. Since the load current is evenly distributed according to the sine wave and the randomness and superposition of the operation of multiple devices, the total power load current is relatively balanced, which improves the adjustment accuracy and power utilization efficiency and avoids the need for meter needles. And the power equipment capacity is increased, and the power saving effect is very obvious.
Optical isolation input P type: pulse width modulation (duty cycle) pulse, period: 2 seconds; high level: 4~15V; low level: 1.5V; Input current: <20mA optical isolation
Voltage > 2KV DC (one second test)
4~20mA input type I: Accepting impedance <250 ohms Adaptation interface: Japan Shimaden P or I type PID regulator or DCS output interface.
Output: 0~12V pulse, drive current: 60mA Automatic/manual selection: external non-voltage contact switch selection
Internal MS output mode: Select by jumper plug terminal 1) PWM duty cycle output 2) Cycle CYC output
Internal power limit: Internal potentiometer P1 adjustment (not limited by factory) Limit range: 0~. Note: Invalid in manual or PL mode.
60 seconds power-on slow start: starts when power is turned on or manual to automatic, used to reduce the average power of cold start.
PL special power limit: see application instructions below. Indicator light: PWM signal or 4~20mA input green LED; red LED output indication.
Load wiring method: 50Hz single-phase or three-phase delta or star center ungrounded/grounded, two-controlled three-phase pure resistance load, no phase sequence.
Explanation of professional terms:
PWM output: Change the on-off ratio within a fixed time. Example: At 50%, the load current is half on and half off within a fixed period of time;
CYC output: The load current will be evenly distributed according to the sine wave. Example: At 50%, the load current will be on and off.
Ordering instructions and accessories:
Input P, model ZAC10-P; input 4~20mA, model ZAC10-I. Note: Distinguished by the input mark P or I number on the product label.
Power supply: 220VAC 50HZ (380V not provided) Power consumption: 3W Insurance: 0.3A required
2. Working waveform diagram:
Explanation of professional terms:
PWM output: Change the on-off ratio within a fixed time. Example: At 50%, the load current is half on and half off within a fixed period of time;
CYC output: The load current will be evenly distributed according to the sine wave. Example: At 50%, the load current will be on and off.
3. Application instructions
1. PWM input proportional period: The factory value is fixed at 2 seconds. Except for the P-type output proportional period of the SR70 series of island power instruments, which is fixed at 2 seconds, other instruments can be set. When applying, the instrument PWM must be consistent with the controller conversion cycle.
2. Internal power limit: The output power can be limited by adjusting the internal potentiometer P1. Note: It cannot be adjusted too small and there will be no output.
3. Load current display: Conventional ammeter and transformer can be used to display the load current. The zero-crossing cycle avoids the problem of the ammeter needle shaking during the zero-crossing cycle. However, since the load current is intermittent, the resulting jittering of the ammeter needle is normal.
4. Application technology
1) Simple wiring of ZAC10 and solid-state SSR driver without manual operation.
2) How to use manual and PL special power limit of ZAC10.
PL is a normally open non-voltage contact input. In automatic mode, when PL
When closed, the output power is fixed at 40% (the internal auxiliary power limit setting value is invalid). Purpose: power limitation and balanced starting. It is used for cold starting of silicon carbide rod high-power heaters (it can only limit the power, not the current) or to avoid power imbalance caused by multiple devices switching on at the same time. The single-pole switch can be manually connected through ① to limit the power by 40%, and then cancel it in time. ②Alarm points with different lower limits of the island power meter can be set to achieve time-sharing starting.
3) Internal output mode jumper selection
When a single unit is used, PWM duty cycle output is generally used; when multiple units are used, cycle CYC output is used.
Note: To change the output working mode, you need to power on again to confirm.

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